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R+D in emotions and well-being

Have you ever wondered how people feel walking in cities, in natural environments, when they experience a new product, when they smell a perfume, in art performances, when they listen to talks and business contents, when they interact with AI agents?

We have extensive experience in identifying neural markers of emotions and well-being for various contexts, ranging from outdoor environments, art exhibitions and performances, cosmetics and perfume experiences, communication material, such as business content, hybrid participation to events, and interaction with AI agents. 


With the support of BEAMING (FP7 ICT, 2010-2014), we developed our initial emotional markers, which we have since then validated in a variety of contexts. 


With the support of eMOTIONAL Cities,  which received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, we identify emotional and well-being markers in natural and built environments with a perspective that incorporates age, gender and vulnerable groups’ specificities.  

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